Help for Victims of Domestic Violence



The Denver-area offers resources to lead you and your pets to safety. These charities
will assist you with leaving an abusive situation and provide a safe place for your pet
to stay too.

Batterers frequently take out rage on a family pet. Violence toward animals can be a first
sign of an abusive relationship.

Aurora/CO & Arapahoe County:  Gateway Battered Women's Shelter
Crisis Line: 303-343-1851 website

Boulder:  Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence can take pets of domestic violence
Crisis Line:  303-444-2424 website

Colorado Springs: Safe Pets Program through the TESSA Safe House provides assistance to
victims of domestic violence and their pets.
Crisis Line: 719-633-3819 website

Colorado Springs: Harley's Hope Foundation can provide temporary housing for pets if space is
Days (719) 495-6083 // Emergency Calls ONLY After 6 p.m.(719) 362-6335 website

Denver:  Arising Hope can provide shelter for victims of domestic violence and their families. Pets
may accompany the owner if space is available.
24 hour crisis line:  303-280-3180 website

Denver: The Dumb Friend's League provides foster homes to pets of domestic violence victims.
Please contact the Pet Assistance Program Foster Department at 303-751-5772 website

Ft. Collins:  Crossroads Safehouse, Inc. can take pets of domestic violence victims if space is
available.  Website
24/7 HELPLINES:  970-482-3502 // TOLL-FREE: 1-888-541-SAFE (1-888-541-7233)

Fremont and Custer Counties:  Family Crisis Services, Inc.
24-hour Crisis Line (719) 275-2429 website

Longmont: The Longmont Humane Society will house pets of domestic violence victims if room is
available. Contact the Director of Operations at 303-772-1232 website

Park County and Jefferson County, CO:  Peaceworks Inc.
24-hour crisis hotline: 303-838-8181 website